Welcome To The Metz Center

One-On-One Scheduling

We still schedule our patient consult and treatment appointments the old-fashioned way, with one-on-one individual conversations between our patients and our team of practice management professionals. Whether you're a patient, referring physician or practice manager, our team will work with you to find the best time to schedule your appointment.

We have one number for appointment scheduling: 614-252-4444. If we are unavailable, please leave a message and we will get back to you within 24 hours. You can also our office manager with your contact information.

Do I Need To Have A Sleep Study Completed First?

We suggest that all patients have a sleep study performed by a certified sleep disorder physician usually a PULMONOLOGIST specially trained in sleep disorders prior to being fitted for a Sleep Apnea appliance. The METZ Center can provide you with a comprehensive list of sleep centers throughout the great central Ohio area.










1271 East Broad St., Columbus, OH 43205      614-252-4444